Combating counterfeit goods
The only way to ensure that you are buying an authentic BWOO product is to buy directly from the BWOO brand or an authorized BWOO brand reseller. BWOO products purchased directly by consumers at BWOO brand or BWOO brand authorized dealers online and in stores are genuine and come with a BWOO limited warranty.
Buying products from unauthorized resellers is risky. BWOO Limited Warranty applies only to products purchased directly from an authorized reseller. Also, products purchased from unauthorized resellers may be counterfeit or stolen. You may be subject to severe civil liability or criminal penalties if you attempt to resell these products.
In many cases, counterfeit products and their packaging look very similar to genuine BWOO products, but counterfeit products do not meet the high performance standards of genuine BWOO products. Counterfeiters will find ways to make products look genuine.They include a warranty registration card in the package and copy the serial number of the genuine BWOO product onto the counterfeit product to make the fake look realistic. This makes it very difficult to distinguish between genuine and counterfeit products.
If you think you may have purchased a counterfeit BWOO product, we encourage you to contact and let us help you identify the authenticity of the product.